Some authors, if not all, find contentment in publishing their books. They don’t care about the royalties and the other benefits that marketers do for them. When asked why you’ll get a common response: I just want my idea scattered...
A feeling of desolation hits you hard as self-made discouragements convince you of your future failures. In such a state, inspirational quotes help you re-compose yourself. Thus, the flame of the passion of being an author ignites brighter than ever....
How Authors Make Money? Well to start with authors make money in various ways. And, it is only right for them to earn much for producing masters’ crafts. When talking about writing a good book, disregarding the thought about obtaining...
The traditional ways of self-publishing a book have long lagged in today’s digital developments. No one even considered creating an online publishing or an online store for their books. Aside from that, authors are becoming discouraged by the percentage (book...
A lot of authors mistake royalties for book sales. Due to this misunderstanding, they tend to rush into careless decisions. A section of this article aims to clarify book royalties and educate authors of other things that need consideration. Book publishing...
“No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.” —Lady M.W. Montagu Not all the greatest pleasures are priced at a fortune. Reading is cheap, yet all worldly raptures unravel as the deed is acted.
How are books determined as the best books of the year? How exactly is a book’s quality measured? Is it because of the ideas of the authors? These questions often bombard authors who want their materials exposed and read. A...
Authors tend to overthink the factors that make books worth reading. Hence, they produce overwrought outputs that somehow fail to stir the readers’ interest. There are certain things that authors need to give attention in the making of their books....
There are various ways that books impact our lives. In our pitch-black nights, the knowledge we obtained from various books proves useful. These lessons help us endure the rampant tragedies that the world offers lavishly. In times of being forced...
“The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.” —Maya Angelou The most possible and wisest of desires is one that significantly impacts the lives of others—the desire to reach bruised, broken, and...
Being an author is challenging. After penning all the great ideas that authors come up with, it is time for those ideas to earn recognition. And to earn that recognition, working with literary industries hastens that goal. For authors who...
Hiring book publicists is a crucial fact that first-time authors learn to face. Looking for the right publicists requires time that teases a thinning patience. Ideally, one who caters best to your concerns and are determined to maximize the exposure...
Frustration and despair enter the minds of the authors when they know they have been scammed. I mean, who wouldn’t be, right? The audacity of providing false promises always gets in their nerves at the cost of a fortune. Understatement,...
“I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense.” –Harold Kushner Life, like a book, is a spectacle of unfolding of mysteries; pieces start to fall together perfectly...
Choose Your Online Publicist now and see how hasty the maximization of your book’s exposure is. The services and packages that we developed offer only advantages and benefits to our clients. Influenced by the power of digital marketing, these services...
Authors often wonder What is a publicist? what do publicists do? Most often than not, they assume that publicists and publishers are just the same. Publicists and publishers are two very different entities. By delineating the focus of these two...
Book promotion challenges enter the spotlight as soon as an author wishes to publish a masterpiece. These challenges possess the power to reduce a masterpiece worthy of pride into an unheard literary work. Thus, the intent to impart wise messages...
There are certain difficulties authors face. Despite the brilliance they possess, there remains the tendency to falter as the task progresses. After all, the certainty of struggles in writing helps the author get a better grasp on self-development. The difficulties...
A good book creates the kind of intrigue that strongly stimulates readers’ interest. To those who aspire to become authors, they think that success revolves only on strong language command. Of course, grammar comes in important, but that is simply...