Quotes can be described as a condensed sentence or sentences in a few cases, which has the ability to reflect the whole essence of the work of the author. Quotes are a very easy way to put across your point of view along with the message which an author wants to convey via his book. Because of this quality quotes are very much used in marketing and promotional activities in the book industry. Any vivid reader clearly remembers the quotes from their favourite books and they usually share them on their social media accounts too. In this way book marketing quotes do become popular and viral too. But sometimes the author also wants to use famous quotes from his colleagues or legendary writers to express the state of the mind of the character, plot or about himself, then he has to be cautious, because quotes are ‘copyright to the author’. So if anyone wants to use quotes from some other author then permission is necessary. If an author wants to add any famous quote in his/her book then he/she should follow these two basic things. Firstly, attribute the quote to the right author: sometimes the quote becomes famous when any celebrity endorses it on a public platform for any reference or out of his/her own interest. So in such cases slowly people start referring to the quote as the celebrity’s quote or lines and the actual author of the quote is not mentioned. Like a very famous quote goes like this “Well-behaved women seldom make history.” People associate this quote with Marilyn Monroe but in reality this quote is written by the Pulitzer Prize winner Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. Now, the second important thing to follow is to display the quote in the most appropriate manner especially when using it as a Book marketing quote. By the display means that when an author is using any quote he/she should display it within inverted commas, the first letter of the quote should be capitalized and put full stop at the end of the quote inside the quote marks. Lastly it is advisable to use different fonts for quotes and also mention the name of the right author under the quote but in the same font of the book.
So let’s get some of the best Book Marketing Quotes:
1. “The size of your audience is more important than the size of your book.”
By Bernard Kelvin Clive
2. “ Book marketing is like opening doors for your readers to find you, not a stick you hit them with .”
By Heather Hart
3. “Don’t be an expert, be a filter.”
By Penny Sansevieri
4. “Life is about success, not perfection and so is marketing.”
By Rob Eagar
5. “Real marketing begins at the moment you conceive the central idea for the intended book and includes a clear sense of who the book is for, how it serves its audience, and how it fits with the competition.”
By David Cole
6. “To gain your own voice, you have to forget about having it heard.”
By Allen Ginsberg, WD
7. “Marketing is first and foremost about connecting.”
By Wendy Paine Miller
8. “Book marketing is a skill: it takes knowledge, effort, and persistence to really be successful.”
By Heather Hart
9. “The future of branding is marketing with people, not to them.”
By John Morgan
10. “Some Succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to.”
By Henry Van Dyke
11. “You are the person with the vested interest in getting your book read by people,”
By Philip Ragan
12. “Marketing is what you do, not what you say.”
By Andy Sernovitz
13. “Never use the phrase: ‘buy my book’- ever.”
By Heather Hart
14. “Simply talking about your book is the biggest, easiest, most often overlooked, cheapest marketing tool.”
By Bethany Atazadeh
15. “Good marketers see consumers as complete human beings with all the dimensions real people have.”
By Jonah Sachs
16. “We all are learning here; the best listener will end up the smartest,”
By Josh Bernoff
17. “The first page sells this book. The last page sells your next book.”
By Mickey Spillane
18. “You can write the most wonderful book in the world. But if people don’t know about your book they won’t know how to buy it.”
By Madi Preda.
19. “Book marketing should be a planned process, an art if you will.”
By Heather Hart
20. “Not all marketing people are writers, but all writers must learn to be marketers.”
By Joanne Kraft
Book marketing quotes and Book promotion quotes usually overlap each other in terms of content and ideas at times, as the main focus is to gain the attention of the target audience of the book. In other words we can say that quotes are like pills that look small but have tremendous effect if consumed for the right ailment at the right time. That doesn’t mean that quotes do not have a long lasting effect, in fact a quote can stay for years and years with you if it is connected to you. Quotes are becoming more popular because of digital and social media. We can see quotes are being used very frequently nowadays especially on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. The reach of quotes is tremendous, as it’s easy to format and convey messages in the shortest possible way.
The traditional ways of self-publishing a book have long lagged