What Makes A Book Worth Reading

Authors tend to overthink the factors that make books worth reading. Hence, they produce overwrought outputs that somehow fail to stir the readers’ interest. There are certain things that authors need to give attention in the making of their books. Disregarding the factors that make books worth reading wastes the invested effort, time, and money of an author.

What makes a book worth reading? This article aims to help authors captivate their readers and makes certain their books entrance targeted readers. To mitigate the already riddled lives of authors, understanding these factors comes vital.

Enough talking and let’s get things done.

What Makes A Book Worth Reading?

Thinking about your book’s potential while disregarding the factors of its success is a major mistake. A sharp perception of success requires you to take note of the essence of a book’s success. Needless to say, the factors that make books worth reading needs focused attention. Here are the factors and the reasons why you need to take note of them:

1. Uniqueness

Books worth reading possess the quality of uniqueness. This means authors develop an entirely new concept or follow a common theme or genre with a different philosophy applied. The latter suggests developing a story of the same genre or theme under different circumstances. Specifically, this includes characters’ reactions towards certain circumstances, cultural and social disposition, and etc.


2. Character Development – What Makes A Book Worth Reading?

What Makes A Book Worth Reading

As the story progresses, so do the characters’ perspectives. This broadened perspective continues to feed the growing momentum of the story. This factor makes readers not want to let go of an interesting book. It creates an eagerness to find out how far certain circumstances force a character out of his/her established nature. As noticed from all-time, top-selling books, a sharp shift of a protagonist’s nature causes great intrigue to the readers. Hence, the end of a chapter compels readers to continue discovering a character’s development.

3. Profound Message

It is a book’s nature to impart significant learning. If the book lacks substance, boredom and contempt fill the readers. This compels them to dismiss the book without a questioned hesitation. This is because the book’s message indirectly connects you to your readers. This allows them to relate to the truth that manifests in the fantasy you create. In the case of memoir and other non-fiction genres, your truth broadens the understanding of your readers. Always decide to put sensible quotes, perfected by an exercised wit, in your book. Doing so affects your readers for a lifetime.

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4. Plot – What Makes A Book Worth Reading

A story with a poorly built plot invites remarks of absolute contempt. A plot maps out all the elements of the story. If it only creates ambiguity (due to an abused usage of expected twists), the building momentum in the story fades. Structuring a plot requires careful planning as this is the backbone of the story. A poorly-developed plot disgusts readers and spoils their time. Think of something that captivates your readers in awe.

The factors mentioned above for what makes a book worth reading are important to make the readers like your book and in general writing. Disregarding any of these factors drastically pulls down the chances of your book in attaining its full potential. Thus, bad publicity of your book’s branding becomes inevitable. So always make sure that the factors above manifest in your material, otherwise it would rot before it becomes a success.

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