What is an e-book

We live in a digital age where we are now used to ordering everything at the click of a button. From groceries to medicines to the car – purchasing as well as selling everything is now possible through a device. To add to that the current pandemic situation across the world has re-emphasised the need to buy, sell and deliver products without physical touch. This equally applies to the books that you sell or buy to read. So, what is an e-book and why is it slowly taking over the market of physical books – all such questions are answered here in this article.  

1. So, what is an e-book? 

In layman terms, if you want to understand what is an e-book then it is a book in a digital format. That’s simple.

An e-book has a few distinguishing features like – you cannot physically hold it, it is non-editable and also non-foldable. Instead of the physical touch of paper, an e-book can be read on any digital device. 

More importantly, an e-book is a creation of our digital age and it is here to stay for long. 

2. Why create an e-book?

After knowing what an e-book is, the next question that might come to your mind is why create an e-book.

The answer is generally one of the two options given hereunder: 

a. It boosts your marketing strategy 

b. Self-publication 

The common point here is in either case it can help you reach a larger part of your audience while blurring the physical restrictions created across geographies.  

3. e-Book versus Physical Book

Here are a few of the many advantages as to why an e-book is better than a physical book:

i. Environment Friendly

The clock is ticking and we are in a race to save our planet. Every effort counts.

Switching to reading an e-book is a step in the direction to save our planet.   

On average, the industry that prints books harm close to 32 million trees in just one year. This is over and above the air and water pollution caused by such industries. Just think about the carbon footprint. 

what is ebook
Image Source – Pixabay

If we choose to read or publish an e-book, we are all contributing our bit in saving approximately 32 million trees a year. This is a big win in our fight to replenish our environment.  

ii. Money Saver 

This did get your attention, didn’t it? Because we all want to save as much as we can.

The math is lucid – there is a cost attached to printing and publishing a book whereas publishing an e-book is a lot easier. So, the price of an e-book will always be less than a physical book. 

The conclusion is you can buy an e-book and also save money. 

Suggested Read- Print Books vs Ebooks: Clash Of The Reading Mediums

iii. Easily Available

The world has become a small place and all thanks to our technological advancement. 

You can now buy a book available in the bookstore of Wall Street but just clicking on a button on your phone or laptop. This is possible because most authors are now taking the route of publishing their e-book. 

This saves the reader from the agony of waiting for their favourite book to be available in their country/city. Easy availability also increases the reader base for the author. So, it is a win-win for both.

iv. Occupies Less Space

Simple and pastel interiors have made their way in our living rooms. We want a less clustered setting. 

Books are a good show for any bedroom but people these days think otherwise. This brings us to one more advantage related to buying an ebook. 

It occupies less or close to no space in your house as it is also stored in a device. You can store hundreds of books in just one device. 

This is an even bigger blessing for an ardent reader not having a big space to keep all the books he/she reads.

v. Easily Searchable

Do you just love a quote/message from a book you are reading – forget to note it down and then spend hours searching for it in that book?

People who read more will very easily be able to relate to this feeling. For such individuals, an e-book is their best friend. You can search a word at any point in time and it will give you results within seconds. All you have to do is type in the keyword. 

ebook benefits
Image Source – Pixabay

4. Selling e-book 

Selling an e-book is a vital part. You need a strategy in place as to how you want to go about selling your book. Marketing strategies are key to selling an e-book. 

You need to ensure that you get your book published on renowned platforms like amazon, apple, kobo or nook. Once your book is listed here, your sales number will start shooting up. Take the help of a marketing expert to list your book on these platforms, if need be. 

Another simple way is to upload your e-book on your website and let your readers download it from there. Ensure your book is in pdf format when you upload it – as pdf is very reader-friendly. 

Suggested Read – How Do Authors Make It Big?

5. Formats of an e-book 

There are many formats in which an e-book can be published. But you need to ensure that the format that you pick for your e-book is easy to use and read. 

For this reason, these three are widely preferred by authors as well as readers – PDF, EPUB and AZW. 


Hope after reading this article you will have clarity as to what is an e-book and why the demand for an e-book is in vogue. 
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