Email Marketing For Book Promotion

As we all live in the age of technology any work needs a systematic promotion campaign to reach its target audience. Like books is a hot selling property on the digital medium. So selling a book online is not a piece of cake anymore as the competition is fierce. One such common method is Email marketing for book promotion. For promoting books there are other ways too like on social platforms which includes Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, websites, etc. But one of the most safest and tested methods of marketing involves the use of Email. The foremost tool for marketing is email. A recent survey has shown that email marketing is 40% more effective than social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

For email marketing for book promotion key points are:

  • Hire An email expert — well everyone has the liberty to use their time as per needs. So if an author doesn’t like the idea by doing email marketing by himself. He can look for professional experts to do that.
  • Updating the Mailing list on a regular basis.
  • Increasing the number of the mailing list — this is as a crucial thing which can be achieved by different methods. Like offering free introduction of your latest book for your subscribers, offering freebies in exchange for some activities like going through a survey or quiz.
  • It is helpful in minimizing digital sharecropping — well digital sharecropping means that you are dependent on a third party for your work to reach out to your audience. Like if an author is promoting and marketing completely on a particular social media platform and suddenly the scenario changes and the account gets closed or hacked or disabled by the media platform. Then what is the way for that author to connect back to his audience? At that time, email marketing can help him a long way.
  • Email is the most direct way to connect to your audience as it lands directly into the inbox of the customer. Whereas on other social media platforms the preferences are used by the person using it. Like if a person is interested in dancing and cooking then his social media account will have pop-ups related to that field. So far an author to connect to such an audience is difficult. But with an email the author can directly send his work demo or trial reading or free pages via emails.
  • Email marketing for book promotion is a cost-effective method and in fact one of the cheapest ways out.
Email Marketing For Book Promotion
Image Source – Pixabay

Email marketing for authors

As we all know that the audience always accepts the bigger and better version of the previous work of their favorite authors. So it’s become equally important for the authors also to stay in touch and keep updated about the medium. This can be done by regularly adding new email contacts and increasing the network.

There are some essential points which an author should focus on to engross and enlarge its marketing network for his work.

  • The foremost is the content of the email — as we say content is the king, so a well written email with crisp and precise information can turn an audience into a customer.
  • An author needs no special learning or skills like digital graphics, art etc to promote the book. In fact he has to write an email which is what an author is supposed to do.
  • A Privacy policy and an unsubscribe option should be always available for the customer. This helps in building trust about the website, author and policies.
  • Offer attractive add ons for prescribing to your work. This can be done through various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. with quizzes, games, etc.
  • Try to develop a niche for your work style by updating the feedback and comments from the previous customers and this also helps in advertising the image of the author too.
  • To add new customers who use email, one has to test, serve and re-evaluate the process from time to time to add new innovative ideas.
  • Advertise with the help of publishing houses — the publishing houses are mine of email contacts. As they keep circulating content with events and promotions to increase the footfall on their websites. These publishing houses also use social media sensations and viral stars to market their offerings.
  • Certain things an author needs to be aware of while doing email marketing for book promotion like the bounce rate of emails, which means how many emails did not reach the inbox. Then conversion rate of the email, which means people showing interest in using the service provided via the email. Similarly, click-through rate, landing page, etc are small nuances that one has to learn for effective email marketing for book promotion.

Also Read – Book Promotion Services: The Art And The Science

Email marketing for book promotion is a very easy yet effective method. Every person who uses the phone and internet eventually uses email. That is why the usage of emails for promotional activity is essential along with advertising your work on digital and social media platforms. The reach is phenomenal for email marketing. In today’s time, the digital medium itself has become so vast that without proper guidance and plan anyone can fall flat on their face.

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