How To Be a Good Book Writer

Books can shape us to become creative masterpieces as well as threatening terrorists. Yes! They are that powerful.  

Writing a book is not rocket science but at the same time, it involves a lot of hard work, dedication, discipline and a supremely creative mindset. A book can never write itself and so this task has to be shouldered by ones like you and me.

10 easy ways on how to be a good book writer:

1. Be a Ferocious Reader

Before looking for an answer on how to be a good book writer you will have to learn to be a good ardent reader. 

Our imagination and writing creativity blossoms when we read more and more books. These books are like our mentors who secretly guide and mould our writing skills. 

Try to be a ferocious reader. While doing so, make a note of the top 3 skills that struck a chord with you and then try to inculcate them into your writing. 

2. Ideation Is The King 

You need to be crystal clear about the genre you would like to write. 

Ideation is the stepping stone on which your entire book will be built. So, give yourself enough time to come up with the final decision about the genre and do not rush into it. 

Once the genre is fixed the next step will be to pen down the storyline with the characters, place and time.

3. You Do Not Need To Be First Time Right 

This principle about how to be a good book writer is quite different from the usual saying of being first time right doesn’t apply to writing. 

Your first draft need not be impeccable, it just needs to be spontaneous. 

how to be a good book writer
Image Source – Pixabay

Avoid referring to the thesaurus and just concentrate on creating the outline. Leave the reassessing and combing through exercise for a later stage.

4. Remember! Everyone Likes Surprises 

Your plot needs to create butterflies in the stomach of the reader only then they will get hooked. Try to add as many teasers as possible while maintaining the original motifs of your storyline.

This is also the time where you will start to kill your darlings. Weed out all unnecessary and stretchy plots which are not serving well to the overall story.

5. There Is No Thumb Rule In Writing 

Art is always unique. So, every artist is different, their creativity is original and hence unique. And writers are artists. 

You need to develop your style of writing. Most certainly you can look up to the maestros for inspiration and learning but eventually, you have to pave your path. 

6. Discipline And Consistency 

Discipline and consistency are the two founding pillars answering your question about how to be a good book writer. 

It is observed that sadly the writing profession doesn’t serve financially well to everyone. Ergo, most writers will start with writing as a side hustle. 

In such cases, the virtue of discipline and maintaining consistency is very vital. You need to dedicate a pre-fixed time to your writing every single day. From there you can build up weekly and then monthly goals and ensure to stick with them.

7. Early Feedback 

How To Be a Good Book Writer

It will cause you immense pain if you finish a book and then you have to re-write it because you felt like it wasn’t good enough.

To avoid this kind of damage have a few trusted advisers who can guide you well at the very beginning. Share your storyline and seek early feedback. 

8. Relationship Building With Editors 

Editors are someone who can give a final finishing touch to your creative vision. So, you must spend enough time finalising the editor for your book. 

Make a checklist of possible editors who you would like to edit your work. Run a background check on them. Once you have a top 3 or 5 list, start building a personal connection. 

The relationship between a writer and his/her editor is paramount, always remember that.

9. Write For the Readers And Not Your Banker

Your goal should be to write what most readers would like to read and not to be the writer of the best selling book.

A well-written book sells itself – so thinking about numbers should not be a part of your worry list.

Also Read – 10 Ways On How To Start A Writing Career & Be Successful At It

10. Prepare yourself for the worst 

Not every book written reaches the best selling list. Prepare yourself for a gloomy day so that you do not face an emotional breakdown. 

One book never decides anyone’s fate. So, once your book gets published, leave it to destiny. Take a break and start thinking about the next book. 

Failure or success should never stop you from getting better.


The question of how to be a good book writer will have million different answers. You get to pick a few principles and stick to them.

The above rules are not just restricted to writing a book. These are the fundamental principles or guidelines that any writer can adopt – be it a blogger, content writer, novelist or such others. 

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