How to get your book publish

If you’re a writer, a thinker and an intellectual, or anyone with something important to say, writing and publishing a book is something you may have thought about. While writing a book is a big achievement in itself, it still doesn’t suffice. Getting your book to your desired readers is another matter. An author has to figure out ‘How To Get their book published’. It can be real a challenge for first-timers. In fact, with more publishing options than ever before, today’s authors have it slightly easy. The onus thus should be to follow a three-sixty degree marketing and launch program. We will shed some light on process details of how to get your book publish.

Broader issues to ponder on ‘how to get your book publish’ are as under: 

1. Self-publish or Traditional Publishing:

Modern-day authors have many publishing routes from which to choose. There’s no one “right” way to publish a book. It depends on one’s appetite and ambition. 

In the case of self-publishing, the author has more creative control, his share of royalty is more. Then again marketing may not come naturally to every author and the fate of the book may be in jeopardy in this case. 

If one goes through the route of traditional publishing, there is a dedicated creative team. Distribution to physical stores is sorted. There is more mainstream publicity and recognition. However, creative control is minimal in this case. Publishing time is longer and royalties are minimum. 

So, there are pros and cons to each of the routes. It’s the author’s perspective and his ambition with regards to his book that should be the criteria in choosing a particular process. 

Suggested read: Costs of self publishing a book

2. Editing Process:

How To Get Your Book Publish
Image Source – Pixabay

Editing your book is the quintessential process whose rewards are in heap. A well-edited, trim, and neatly curated book is the hallmark in establishing credibility. The authors need to approach editing in a divide and conquer way. The book can be divided into the plot, characters, themes, and style lines. Each segment requires its due attention. A thoroughly toned-up book creates its own niche.

3. Selecting Title:

An apt and catchy title is a must to have the initial edge. A short title is desirable. The author should bring in the intrigue element to carry on with the curiosity. It should be nailed down keeping in mind the subject of the book; and the aimed target segment.

4. Feedback Loop:

Irrespective of if an author is hired or not, thoughtful third-party feedback is so much invaluable. Throughout the editing process, one should share one’s manuscript with trusted collaborators just to see what they think. Feedback should be sought on plot, characters, prose, pacing, and style. To make it more constructive, the reviewers may be asked to provide their side with regards to the part they feel needs improvement. 

5. Professional Formatting:

Once the manuscript is fully toned, the next step is formatting. You want to make a good impression with a professionally formatted book. The chapter headings, text alignment, page numbers are sorted in this process. It’s crucial whether you’re self-publishing or sending your work to professional agencies.

Traditional big publishers have a manuscript formatting template just to make it easy for the authors. The manuscript in this case should be standardized and readable. 

In the case of solo publishing, this gets a little trickier. Many authors are understandably apprehensive about formatting; design, after all, is a very different skillset from writing. One has to format one’s book so it’s 100% ready to upload to your chosen self-publishing platform. And there are free book-editing software available in this regard.

How To Get Your Book Publish
Image Source – Pixabay

6. Cover Design:

Accept it or not, a books are mostly judged by its cover. A well-designed, visually appealing design keeping in mind the theme of the book is just so integral to a book’s fate. The book cover provides readers with a vital first impression of your work. So not only must it attract your target audience’s attention, but also it should let them know that this book is for them. An eye-catching and serene visual makes the first impression. Also, if it can indicate the genre the book belongs to, it is even better.

7. Book Description:

Book description is another major factor in getting people to know and thus buy your book. Luckily, it’s easy to optimize your description which results in better sales and more readership. The headline is the first hook. It should be getting the readers invested right away. One can send intriguing details about the plot. This teaser should be informative and yet interesting enough to land the reader’s full attention. Also, leave the target audience wanting more. If intrigue is created around the book, authors can relax as the sales will take off from thereupon. The author’s main job is to keep reinforcing the intriguing bits.

8. A Multi-pronged Launch Strategy:

The fact is marketing is tough, sales are hard to come by. One’s book isn’t going to sell itself. The first few days are make-or-break. So one thing you need before you publish and which you should start working on as early as possible is an effective and thorough launch plan. The onus should be to create awareness, tap into your targeted audience and kick up intrigue about your book.

Summing up the puzzle on ‘How to get your book publish/published’, the author needs to be mentally prepared. The toll doesn’t end with writing itself. The real work starts once the writing part is complete. At the same time, following the Right Publishing Processes, this monster can be tamed.

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