eBook Marketing | How to Market an Ebook

Technology and particularly the internet has forever changed the way we see our world and live in the modern age.  Our ways of communicating with one another have been changed. With the arrival of eBooks, the way we consume and access information has been transformed. And in these times learning ‘How to Market an eBook’ has become even more crucial. An electronic book or eBook is the digital form of the traditional book. It can be accessed over a range of digital platforms viz. Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, or E-book Readers.

E-book marketing services have evolved in the last few years. They can be the real difference for a book to be able to reach its targeted audience. There are typically two types of eBooks – free and paid. Businesses and authors often offer them for free as a subtle tactic for effective lead generation. Irrespective of if they are free or paid, an eBook takes an equally long time to write, edit and design. Authors usually spend considerable time researching, writing, editing, designing, and then finally publishing their eBooks. And therein lies the catch; producing a good eBook is not enough to generate the required audience and expected sales.

Unless your eBook is promoted on right channels; at the right time; to the right people; no amount of research and insights will help you. All your efforts may go haywire.

Evolution of eBook Marketing

The Ways to Market an eBooks are constantly evolving. The market is being flooded with products left, right, and centre. The digital world is chaotic and noisy; this mess is going to increase in the coming years. And that’s where eBook marketing services come in handy. According to research, of the total book sales worldwide, the eBook market share is up by 21% from just 12% in 2013. As much as 65% of B2B marketers use eBooks as a content promotion strategy.

Precisely, everyone is jumping on the eBook bandwagon. It essentially means those with a good ‘How to Market an eBook’ knowhow are at an advantage. The role of eBook marketing services is only going to increase from hereupon.

How to Market an eBook
Image: freepik/rawpixel. com

Marketing your eBook online is a tough ask. The fact is that most self-published eBooks are lucky to hit 100 sales. But if one is willing to do the work, there’s plenty of potential for success. You need to plan and act on an effective online marketing strategy, whether your goal is to sell a million copies or it is just to connect with the right people who will appreciate your work.

As per the research of Canadian e-reading retailer Kobo, eBook consumption almost doubled between April 2019 and April 2020. Business owners and authors alike are cashing in on this boom; it’s mainly due to the low cost of creating eBooks relative to print books. As Encouraging as it seems, even this is not a guarantee that your book will fly off the virtual shelves.

Suggested read: What is an e-book

How to Market an eBook

With a bit of careful planning and holistic research on ‘How to market an eBook; one can do it cost-effectively. Marketing your book doesn’t have to cost the world. In fact, some of the most effective tactics are completely free. One doesn’t have to shell out hundreds of dollars on advertising to get results. One can take advantage of the enormous scope offered by the digital world and use a variety of platforms and techniques to popularize one’s eBook.

So, you’re about to publish your eBook. It may be your first or maybe your tenth. But have you thought about how you’re going to market your masterpiece? Some of the proven ways in eBook Marketing Services are as under

Best eBook Marketing Services:

  • One can opt for a co-marketing campaign. It enables two parties to co-own the content and market it with their respective resources.
  • Email marketing is the most useful of marketing tools. One should utilize email marketing to promote the eBook with your existing audience.
  • A PPC campaign to promote one’s eBook is prevalent and with good results.
  • Reach out to thought leaders and influencers to talk about your eBook.
  • Creating blog posts generates curiosity and interest about one’s upcoming eBook
  • One needs to guest blog on popular social media websites about the excerpts from the book.
  • One can go tongs and hammer on Social media. There is so much mileage one can get from it.
  • One can set a separate small advertising budget for the target group.
  • One can reach the target group through social media. There are enough free avenues to exploit and get benefitted from it.
  • One can join relevant communities and groups and start talking about one’s work(eBook).
  • A relevant content strategy keeping in mind the different formats should be ready.

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In conclusion, one has to pursue eBook marketing relentlessly if the desire is to reach far and wide. For authors what to write is far easier compared to how to market an eBook. But luckily, if there is competition, there also are the tools to propagate one’s masterpiece. And then there are eBook Marketing Services providers who take the bulk of the onus and deliver it for an author. Overall we are in flux yet the increasing popularity of eBooks is a timely breather. It can inspire far more people to write their own version of reality or fiction.

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