How To Write Good Poetry

Before we embark on the journey to know how to write good poetry, you must know a few basics about poems. Since the beginning of literature, Poems have been an instrument to describe emotions of passion, love, remorse, joy and such others.

In layman’s terms, a poem is a collection of complete or incomplete sentences to express emotions or ideas. It is usually written in the form of verses. One thing that you must note is that it is not a compulsion for a poem to rhyme.

So, let us begin with the steps on how to write good poetry.

How To Write A Good Poem:

1. Decide On The Subject and Purpose of the Poem

At the outset, you need to know the subject or topic you want to address. You can swing from picking up hot topics like your views on the Talibanis forming government in Afghanistan to a sweet teenage love story budding in the local trains of Mumbai.

Once you freeze the subject then you need to have an idea about the purpose of your poem. Why did you choose this subject? What message do you intend to convey?

These questions are very vital to set the style and rhythm of your poem.

2. Begin Somewhere

Getting the first draft right is not the way of going about writing poetry. You just need to begin somewhere. Once you have chosen a subject matter, start to write down your ideas describing it. Just scribble it out without trying hard to be a perfectionist.

After you have put down your story, begin with painting your words and colouring your imagination. At this point, you need to decide on the theme of your poetry.

I would suggest that you begin with writing a simple form of poetry. This will give you an easy entry into the beautiful and creative world of poets. You can then move forward with your learnings© from there.

3. Appropriate Use of Literary Devices

You can make any form of writing more creative and impactful by inserting appropriate literary devices viz. metonymy, allegory, metaphor, etc.

how to write good poetry
Image Source – Pixabay

The use of literary devices is a key answer to the question of how to write good poetry.

4. Try To Read Many Poems or Attend Poetic Recitation or Do Both

Reading a poem will always be the first answer to solving your puzzle on how to write good poetry. You can start by reading poems casually written by good poets – not going behind every word.

First, get a hang of reading poems. Later on, you can start to dissect the words and sentences – trying to know what the poet was really thinking. It could take a while for you to get here but keep trying.

An alternate way is to attend live poetry recitations. When you listen to a poem from the poet himself/herself you easily feel the emotions behind it.

Bookstores usually organise such poetry reading sessions. Find one in your area and book your calendar to attend it without fail.

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5. Join the Poet Community

Poets’ group is quite an amicable community where they help each other grow. Joining one such community can answer many questions on how to write good poetry.

At such community meets, they discuss different ideas. You can learn from the maestros, jot down new ideas for your next work and also receive feedback for your own work.

These groups also encourage artistic exercises which can influence one’s mind and expand the creative horizon of the community members. Such exercises are believed to do wonders.


No one can ever describe the exact steps on how to write good poetry – as the process of writing is an experience quite unique to each writer. Definitely, these are a few of the many steps every poet goes through in his/her own journey of writing poems. Hope this helps you to find your answers about how to write a good poem. 

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