what is hybrid publishing model

The Hybrid Publishing Model is a new concept in terms of existence and it is basically a bridge between traditional publishing and self publishing. It includes various publishing models like author assisted publishing, independent publishing, partnership publishing, co publishing and entrepreneurial publishing. Some authors are not in favor of this kind of publishing model and that is why it is somewhat controversial because there is no universal agreement in such kind of publishing model.

On the other hand, the traditional way of publishing is based on the fact that either you pay to get published or you get paid to publish. But it is not like that this publishing method is not appreciated by the authors. There are traditional authors who are using this method to curate deals through which they can get a high cut in royalty/share. So, before we move further and talk more about “What is the Hybrid Publishing Model”. Let’s discuss about Hybrid Book Publishing.

What is Hybrid Book Publishing?

We have seen some of the good books have been rejected by the traditional publishing houses because they are too risky as a subject or thinking that it is not commercially viable. In such scenarios especially for new writers the independent publisher or hybrid publisher are proving a blessing in disguise. They provide you with some of the basic facilities like book cover design, editing, formatting and copyright registration. But as they do not have big budgets so marketing and advertising cost comes usually on the shoulders of the writer or the author. Due to this reason the authors can get a better share in the royalty or revenues generated via sales of the book.

Hybrid Book publishing is much easier than traditional as the process does not have any middlemen or agents in between. Querying an hybrid/independent publisher is easy and simple as they ask for a writer’s manuscript (partial or full manuscript). After going through the manuscript provided by the writer they either go ahead or not. In hybrid book publishing the author is involved directly with the independent publisher due to which he/she has more control over the content and design as compared to in traditional publishing. It takes less time to release the book with the help of hybrid book publishing as compared to time taken in traditional book publishing.

Hybrid Publishing Vs Self Publishing

Before we distinguish between the two publishing methods, we should learn about self-publishing as we already have learnt about Hybrid book publishing. Self publishing as the word defines itself means that the writer/author will take charge of all the duties and processes involved in publishing a book. The author will take charge of editing, cover designing which includes title, subtitles etc, formatting, then from launching, marketing, promoting and selling it on different mediums are jobs of the author only.

But in literal sense it doesn’t mean the author can’t hire any help. He does hire people for different work and pay them, but the final call and decision is of the author only in case of self publishing. Like authors who opt for self publishing, online digital platforms are very effective and convenient to publish their book rather than waiting for a traditional or independent publisher to publish his work. One of the main driving forces for which writers/authors opt for self publishing is the Book’s rights and royalties.

what is hybrid publishing model

Let’s now list the advantages and disadvantages of both publishing methods:

Advantages of Hybrid Publishing:

  • The publisher provides design, editing, formatting support.
  • The author has more control in hybrid publishing than traditional publishing in terms of content and design.
  • Production costs are taken care of by the publisher.
  • Time to release the book is shorter than traditional publishing.
  • The book is available on digital platforms like Kindle, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, etc.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Publishing:

  • One of the drawbacks of hybrid publishing is that the book doesn’t have the reach of the book stores. So maximum sales is via digital/online medium only.
  • The author has to put money in marketing and advertising the book.
  • The prices are usually higher in hybrid publishing.
  • As main audience is online so the reach becomes limited as compared to traditional and self publishing.

Also Read – Cost Of Publishing A Book

Advantages of Self Publishing:

  • As the author is like a one person army here, so the publishing of the book is 100% guaranteed in self publishing.
  • The author controls all the departments from designing, editing, formatting, marketing, pricing, etc.
  • The author enjoys the royalties earned solely and wholly by himself.

Disadvantages of Self Publishing:

  • In self publishing the access is only online therefore the audience reach is shrunken as compared to traditional publishing which has access to bookstores.
  • The author must have great marketing skills and ideas otherwise it is very difficult to sell the book by covering the marketing cost.
  • Although the author is the captain of the ship he still hires help in the form of editor, designers, etc and pays them to do the job. This is why self published books are expensive.

After understanding the pros and cons of Hybrid book publishing and Self publishing, we can see that hybrid book publishing models have more options and give space to the author also for the inputs. As there is perspective involved between two parties the author and the hybrid publisher the results are better. Basically in hybrid publishing the rewards and the risks are shared by the author and the hybrid publisher in a more human way as compared to the traditional method of publishing.

This is the reason it is also known as Partnership publishing or Contemporary publishing. But as said and done it’s not easy to pick a hybrid book publisher. So, a writer should also understand the genre the publisher is keen to publish. Also, a writer should also go through the previous work of the publisher to know his editing skills, formatting and designing capabilities. Last not the least the reach and access of the hybrid publisher is also important as that will decide the sale of the book.

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Whether you choose the Hybrid Book publishing method or the self publishing method, both have their own advantages and disadvantages. So, the decision has to be made by the writer which way he wants to go.

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