Marketing consultant scams are the greatest nightmare that authors have to face after publishing their books. They are certain to come every once in a while. Although book marketers come in necessary in increasing an author’s sphere of influence, identifying the right one is pretty tricky.
When authors receive calls from marketing firms, they usually look on the internet for more information. However, the internet is full of bad blogs—specifically, book marketing consultant scams. Hence, authors find it hard to trust in book marketing firms. This discouragement greatly impedes an author’s dream to make it big in the literary industry.
But, how do we stop these bad blogs from poisoning the minds of new authors? Is there a way to regain the trust of authors who have fallen victim to marketing consultant scams? Are there any chances to recover the stained reputation of legitimate book marketing firms?
A brilliant scientist’s I.Q. is not a requirement in identifying online book marketing scams. Yet still, doing so is a challenge. For new authors to prevent making business deals with scams, it is important to take note of the following:
In desperation to close a deal, marketing consultants often feed an author’s mind with delightful things for his or her book(s). While some of these things are true, consultants deviate a little farther from the truth. Promising services not included to an offered package, authors often become too hype to buy that deal. Little do authors notice how the offer becomes inconsistent in the progression of the conversation. When talking to a book marketer, it is important to jot down notes all throughout the call. Before purchasing a desired offer, be sure to review what you have written and evaluate critically. Check if there are any inconsistencies.
A company’s website represents the company and its values that employee and employers practice. You can tell a lot of things from the way a website is designed and from the power of its content. Additionally, you can compare the information your book consultant discuss with you with the ones you see on the company’s website. Also, the information on a website sometimes bring out the questions that authors ought to ask.
When asking important questions about the company or the services, demand for a straight answer. Scams usually beat around the bush as a technique to deviate the authors’ attention from their own questions. By filling their thoughts with too-good-to-be-true offers, the consultant then builds an escape route from those questions. Always ask for a straightforward answer and its explanation(s). If you find the answer vague, force the consultant to walk you through the details.
Sometimes authors are the ones at fault. Despite clearly discussing the features and expectations of an offered service, authors put the consultants on the wrong. Authors must know that they are not the only ones who are taking down notes. Besides, phone calls are recorded for the management to check if anyone is scamming their prospective clients.
A strict book marketing firm sees to it that their reputation remain unstained, considering the bad publicity of this kind of firms. Other than identifying book marketing scams, authors also need to identify the right consultants for them. Compatibility is essential for a book’s success. Doing so prevents authors from tagging the right processes of the firm as scam schemes when they’re clearly not.
Authors can greatly benefit by following the basic ways of identifying Book marketing consultant scams mentioned above. Preventing themselves from falling as victims to marketing consultant scams’ intention(s) could mean a lot to new authors who wish their books be marketed in the right manner by the right consultant. Most importantly, the new authors could learn other ways to prevent book marketing scams.
In today's digital landscape, authors not only need exceptional writing