Online publishing of books | How to publish an online book | Self publishing

Online publishing of books vs Traditional publishing

The satisfaction gained through writing and publishing a book is undefinable. It is a dream of many to write and publish a book and leave one’s mark in the world of literature. Book publishing has traditionally relied solely on major publishing houses. Digital technology has eased the publications of books. With a computer and an internet connection, the aspiring author can manage all the publishing processes all by themself. These days, for online publishing of books, many services and tools are at the disposal of the writers; to publish books at a faster pace than using the traditional publishing method.

Traditional publishing practices and current copyright laws have disrupted the free exchange of knowledge. When books are released by traditional publishers with tongs and hammers, their contents become obsolete soon due to the natural delay in publishing processes. Heavily biased copyright terms and conditions affect the popularity of the book.

Books are one of the most popularly used media to enlighten and delight the human mind. Despite the widespread use of computers and the internet; the importance and credibility of books are still intact. It is a general perception that the gadgets used for reading cannot provide the experience of reading a physical book. People from educational; literary; and scientific fields often engage in book publishing in their quest for a larger reach and a greater impact. In fact, that’s where the ‘How to publish an online book’ has become crucial.

Pros and Cons of Traditional Printing:

Traditional publishing houses manage the publishing work very professionally; and they enhance the content and the quality of the book. The main advantage of traditional book publishing is the book is published under the brand name of a reputed publisher. They also take care of the promotion and sales of the book; and authors can be freed from these activities. At the same time, publishing through traditional publishers is a time-consuming process. Also, prominent publishers accept works for publication only after rigorous examination. Going via the traditional publishing route usually takes time from six months to twelve months. Besides, writers’ income is minimal in this scenario.

The quantity of books published today is much higher than those in the past. Other than literary books, the majority of books are published to meet the academic requirements. The book publishing industry is regularly advancing in all aspects with the aid of technology. Traditional publishing does not give proper financial motivation to authors; and that’s the reason many authors are taking the self-publishing route to have greater control over their work.

Online publishing of books
Image Source – Pixabay

Self-publishing at a glance:

A book undergoes various stages like manuscript preparation, expert review, proofreading, layout, design, printing, pricing, marketing, and sales before it reaches the reader’s hand. Online Publishing of Books is the publication of an author’s work without the help of any publishing platform. The author can pick and choose and apply viable methods at each stage of publishing.

Printing and digital technology have provided greater access to knowledge. In earlier times, without the help of traditional publishing houses, it was difficult to print and sell books. Also, most major publishers are more selective in accepting the works for publication. It shrinks and diminishes the opportunities for authors who would like to publish through traditional routes. Advancements in printing and computer technologies have made the publishing industry more accessible to ordinary authors. With the aid of cutting-edge technologies, the self-publishing sector offers more opportunities and possibilities for writers. The ‘how to publish on an online book’ process has been eased out and it is helping the authors a lot.

The author takes full control and responsibility for the publishing process. They print and sell it on their own or with the help of self-publishing service providers. The author has the freedom and option to make independent decisions. Complete control over the manuscript selection, processing, printing, marketing, and distribution of the book; the author manages all of it by himself.

Online Publishing of Books

Modern printing technology has made it possible to publish paperback editions at a minimal cost. Print-on-demand is a very popular practice in self-publishing. The copy is only printed when there is an order. In case of the online publishing, an author can make available the e-book on the Internet and it can be made convenient for the readers to access the same. PDF and EPUB are the two more popular formats used for publishing e-books. These formats are easy to use with a computer, tablet, mobile phone, and on an e-book reading device. E-books can be priced nominally or may be distributed for free in case the author wants to build his brand for the long term.

Online publishing is the cheapest, reliable, and an effective way to build one’s tribe; and then serve it over the long haul. In this case, authors need not bear the printing expenses. In the academic and research circles, it is common to publish with copyleft for wider access. If the author is eyeing the monetary benefits, he can place the book on online selling services like Amazon and make a profit by properly marketing it. Online booksellers offer higher royalties to authors (up to 70%) than traditional publishing houses.

Online publishing of books
Image Source – Pixabay

Primary Advantage of Online publishing of books

The main advantage of online/self-publishing is that there is no need, for the author, to depend on a publisher. It is a practical way to publish a book, within a short period; and done under the full control of the author. The author can choose the best freelancers and give his book a professional touch and in a cost-effective manner. Legacy publishers are very selective and only accept works based on their priorities.

Suggested Read – How To Get A Publisher For A Book And Choosing A Good Book Publisher

The self-publishing industry makes use of innovative technologies for the publishing processes and cut-shorts the overall time. An author can make an e-book and print editions available simultaneously. In his quest of ‘how to publish an online book,’ the author has been strengthened with cheap and reliable resources. Online publishing of books has become the new norm for aspiring authors.

Online publishing provides complete freedom and control at all stages of the process. Every stage of publishing is executed with the help of technology. It helps to overcome many drawbacks of traditional publishing. Ideally, the reach and access the internet provides make it attractive for the young authors to test the water without spending too much.

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