“Adventures with Miss Lola: The Magic Paper Ride”
Written by Laura M. Disbro
Published by Xlibris Publishing Company
Published Date: June 2011
Paperback: $15.99

About the Author

Laura M. Disbro was born and raised in the Ohio. She is not a stranger to the writing world. She is a published poet and wrote for a local magazine for 5 years. Writing in a journalistic way became very easy to her. She also did her own photojournalism, as taking photos was one of her hobbies. She returned to school in 2004 at the age of 42, Auburn Career Center to obtain her GED. It was there that her instructor, Michelle Rodewald discovered her gift of words. She was asked to consider submitting her poetry and writings for publication in a book called Beginnings, published by Kent State University. 3 years in a row her writing was accepted and published. Also allowing her to attend the writers’ conference with her instructors in Columbus, Ohio.

In 2005-2010 she was a writer of The Heart of Lake County Magazine, publisher Donna L.  Robinson. Specifically, she writes about interviews of people such as Judges, happenings in the community, features of people, and other versatile topics depending on requests. Her hobbies include reading, writing, music, crafting and is an avid basketball fan. She is a strong advocate for literacy, especially for the young. She is a widow with 2 grown sons. She currently lives in Willoughby, Ohio with her youngest son, Joshua.

Laura Disbro was invited by Donna L. Robinson to have a signing for local authors with her old publisher, Barnes and Noble, 2 years after she published the book. She gave Disbro her writing breakthrough. They still communicate with each other today, and Robinson wants to feature Disbro’s book in Today’s Family Magazine.

Adventures with Miss Lola by Laura Disbro

Throughout the Author’s life from age 4, he has sought ways to honor his Family and, in so doing, to bring honor and love to God for allowing His only begotten Son to Suffer and die a hideous death nailed to a rugged wooden cross. As a very little boy, he reached out to his mother and father in every way he could to help them find some comfort in their very hard lives. Age 7 till 90 he often muses about the meaning of God’s Love and the love exchanged between the human race. A mother’s love became the focus of his thought patterns and often prompted to see his life as a pattern designated by God to help people in need of livelihood, of love, of a way to understand the hurts and pains of others. Getting people to smile and often laugh is an avenue I pursue in all relationships. Billy’s book foundation is an inspiration to every encounter, inspiration has led him to examine many avenues in life and out of these has come. His inspiration was, to begin with, GOD IS LOVE. From there, the night was a success punctuated by lines of people claiming the night gave them a new way to experience their own lives. This book along with the rest of Mr. Patty’s inspirational writings continue to give support to those who are emotionally going through life’s struggle. The book is full of upbringing and hope that it clearly radiates all through his writing.