Protecting Authors from Publishing Scams

Frustration and despair enter the minds of the authors when they know they have been scammed. I mean, who wouldn’t be, right? The audacity of providing false promises always gets in their nerves at the cost of a fortune. Understatement, publishing scams are the worst.

An author is someone who inspires the formation of a new knowledge. And, scamming them with seemingly true publicity services means robbing them of their intent. Although there remain only a few numbers of notable book publicity firms, others are proud to have a name of their offered packages without even having any knowledge about basic approaches to promote and publicize a book. This is exactly the main reason why almost all publicity firms are never discussed without turning the topic sour.

Good Intentions Corrupted (Publishing Scams)

It is an author’s job to broaden perspectives of his readers. This good intention is corrupted unjustly, preventing authors from reaching their material’s full potential—specifically, the undelivered justice of an incompetent publicist’s promise. The difference of intentions between two entities, authors and marketing scam, creates a chasm that takes a leap of faith for the former to decide on working with authentic publicists.

Trust issues are extremely damaging to an author’s career. Hence, publicity firms should see to it that these trust issues are never disregarded. By being transparent and by conducting a proper walk-through of the whole process of services, there is a good chance that the authors would learn to trust publicity firms again. Promises, which are far from being reached, should never be discussed to authors as these breed to a destructive hope that will surely discourage them as the unrealistic goals that are set fail to become a reality.

Publishing scams
Image Source – Pixabay

Instead of disheartening authors from attaining their dreams, publicists should see to it that they continue their passion. How so? By showing authors the whole truth of about just publicity. This also helps protect authors from being scammed. Furthermore, blogs that badmouth all online book publicists would cease to exist.

Protecting Authors at All Cost

Protecting authors from publishing scams mean encouraging them to continue to write as their works are continued to be read by the targeted readers. But, how do book publicists protect authors from publishing scams? As a transaction is made through phone calls, book publicists must address all the inquiries of an interested client and spill all the information to close all loops of ambiguities.

Thereafter, a document containing all that has been discussed must be sent via email to increase the level of transparency. Publicists must allow authors to gauge carefully on the prospective client’s decisions rather than forcing them on a package that goes beyond their budget—all for the sake of closing a deal. If you want to recover the lost trust of the authors to publicity firms, a careful approach comes extremely important. Subsequently, a frequent contact with the author (upon closing a deal) guarantees the authors that you are one to be trusted.

The intent to enlighten the world is an author’s purest intention. This intention grants hope, life, and infinite chances to the readers of the book. Needless to say, corrupting this intention means depriving prospective readers of the three things mentioned in the latter. That is why authentic book publicists should protect authors from the deceitful acts of scammers. In doing so, the contempt against publicity firms will be eradicated and the authors’ aspirations will be fully guarded by authentic publicists.

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