“Then how can it [a book] be boring? It’s not just twenty-six little letters all mushed together to make words that link together to tell a story. It’s the creation of another world where anything can happen and anyone can be whoever they want to be. It’s a crazy, special kind of magic that can transport you out of the real world, to anywhere you want to go. It doesn’t matter if it’s a made-up universe or it’s written in a city you can drive to within an hour. It’s what happens within the pages that makes reading so…not boring.”

-Emma Hart “Dirty Little Rendezvous (The Burke Brothers Spin-Off #1).”

Nothing ever relates more to us than the books that create a million universes. By means of such, exposing human complexities and absurdities are done without any manifestations of mortification. Reading elevates mundanity to a whole new level of magic, which naturally compels people to seek shelter between the sheets stained with penned passion—where the truest philosophies of life reside

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