The Lost Ranger: A Soldier’s Story by Noel F. Mehlo Jr.

“The Lost Ranger: A Soldier’s Story”
Written by Noel Frederick Mehlo, Jr.
Published by Your Online Publicist
Published Date: June 2019
Paperback: $32.99
Ebook: $2.99


About the Author

Noel F. Mehlo, Jr. is the grandson of the late S/Sgt Herbert Stanton Hull. Prior to 2012, all that was known of his grandfather’s service came from a hand-written note that contained a mere fifty words. After his grandmother’s passing in late 2011, Mr. Mehlo inherited his grandfather’s Ranger uniform and a single discharge paper. The information sparked a curiosity regarding the life and service of S/Sgt Hull including his unit.  Mr. Mehlo attacked the problem using a specialized set of skills acquired over the course of his career.

Mr. Mehlo currently serves as an Environmental Specialist.  Most of his professional written work includes reports and technical guidance. He has worked as a soil scientist, biologist and wetland scientist providing him with valuable skills in scientific research.  He has worked in cultural resources and has taught how to conduct historical research as well as a myriad of other topics in the transportation industry in which he now works.

Prior his current work, Mr. Mehlo served in the U.S. Army as a Counterintelligence Agent. He had followed his grandfather’s example to serve. Mr. Mehlo combined his tenacity along with his skills as a researcher and intelligence professional to explore the details regarding the 5th Ranger Infantry Battalion and his grandfather’s service. Using these skills, he sought out veterans and their families and earned their trust and support for the project.

Mr. Mehlo is married with a family and serves in a local Boy Scout Troop.  Earlier in his life he participated in early American historical reenactment, with a focus on early Ohio history.

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