Spirit of Nature Versus Exploitation

Lorraine Grzyb
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  • Publisher : Your Online Publicist
  • Publication Date : June 2022
  • Pages : 150
  • Product Dimensions : 6.00 (w) x 9.00 (h) x 0.39 (d) in.
  • Genre : Poetry, Prose
  • Paperback ISBN : 978-1-63892-366-4
  • Hardcover ISBN : 978-1-63892-431-9

The author’s early life was spent enjoying the study of music, specifically piano, which was her first love. In young adulthood she studied at Boston Conservatory of Music. She graduated from Goddard College after doing studies in early childhood education and Jungian psychology. She draws sustenance and insight from meditation which has been a part of her life intermittently since early adulthood. For nine years she enjoyed work with young children and two decades with developmentally delayed adults. Over the last five years she has worked as a member of human rights groups and has joined several groups advocating for increased protections for animals, the environment and for the earth in all its majesty.

Spirit of Nature Versus Exploitation evokes appreciation of the majesty of nature around us and takes a hard look at the diminishment of our humanity as all kingdoms of nature are losing ground, species of animals and plants are vanishing, and air, earth, and water are being progressively poisoned. This book offers hope that through the individuality each of us has achieved, together we can use our skills to recognize the unity of life on the planet, move forward into a new era of cooperation with nature, and respect and protect the life around us of which we are a part and upon which our humanity depends.

United States, Bogalusa, Louisiana
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Headline: Lorraine Grzyb Exposes the Destruction of Nature and Compels Readers to Value Life in the Relaunch of “Spirit of Nature Versus Exploitation”
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