Safe at Home: A Memoir by Joanne A. Bloom & Thomas P. Tanzer (Paperback)
Words Will Never Hurt Me encourages people to put their thoughts on paper no matter how discriminating they could be to others. To have the outlet that is beyond themselves that relieves them of being trapped within their own mind alleviates one’s anguish almost immediately. By separating yourself from your search within and having something within the world that is around you, there is the ability to once again focus on the situation that surrounds you. Business and relationships that are seemingly out of control become a matter of happenstance on a sheet of paper that becomes a story in your life rather than an overwhelming criteria for uncontrolled mayhem. The identification with the circumstances of events in your life through writing them down and expressing yourself give you a tendency to be able to reflect and view things from apart, where you had once seen yourself as the center of attention. You can become to see the beauty in the transformation of information as it exits your mind and onto a medium that can be shared.